Hi lovelies,
Thank you so much for all your sweet comments! That means so much to me! Love my new followers as well: I always follow back!
After a couple of days of crying I can say that I'm fine :) It's all ok now! So, what to do when you have a broken heart? SHOPPING.
So. My new shoes. They are black, they fit my mood. I love wedges, I just do.
This picture was made by my roommate, 3 days after crying my eyes out. I wasn't that sad anymore. Long way coming though...
So I decided to light on some candles. Pretty weird when you're alone, but I will do everything to fix a broken heart! I'm so stupid, haha.
So one of my best friends and I decided to go to Antwerp, and we just ordered these amazing cocktails. Haha, it was hilarious. The waiter couldn't believe that we drank it ourselves, the whole thing was pretty big. It was a fish bowl full of cocktail. It was delicious though!
My niece lives in Antwerp, and I love her sooooo sooooo much! She's there for me all the time. We decided to fix my broken heart, so we went to this party. Well actually, a costume party. It was hilarious, not the best picture of us though.
I wanna thank you all for you support and lovely reactions! Please keep commenting and I will always comment on your blog and follow you back!
Lots of love, Romy. xx